On thursday, I arrived home after an eventful few days. I had done a performance with the St. Petersburg Festival Orchestra but my flight from St. Petersburg was cancelled due to the volcanic ash. After a 7-hour taxi ride I arrived in Helsinki and took the night ferry to Stockholm where my father would meet up with my car.
While waiting for the ferry, the Swedish press started to phone! It turned out that the news of the new Lundaland Philharmonic Orchestra, which I shall head, had leaked out to the press. I am aware of how this happened but it is too long a story to write here! Anyway, it was not supposed to be printed yet as I would have preferred to have everything planned before approaching the media. But very little harm done, the Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan published a nice report in thursday's newspaper. And I even got my picture on the front page! You can read the article in Swedish by clicking here.
Just a few hours later, Swedish Radio called me! With a bad mobile connection, which interrupted the interview several times, I was able to answer some questions about this new symphony orchestra. The interview was broadcast nationally yesterday and can be heard in Swedish language by clicking here.
Lundaland Philharmonic Orchestra is a totally new freelance symphony orchestra which is financed by the European Union and different local councils. We shall do four or five concerts annually and most concerts will take place in venues that usually do not host symphony orchestras. The first concert is planned for the 4th September at the castle of Borgeby.
I shall keep you posted about this.